В Алма-Ате состоится международная научная конференция «Восточное христианство на Шелковом пути (памяти П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского)»
Митрополит Александр провел совещание по подготовке принесения в Казахстан чудотворной Курской-Коренной иконы Божией Матери
В праздник обретения главы Иоанна Предтечи митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в храме иконы Божией Матери «Всех скорбящих Радость» в Алма-Ате
Глава Православной Церкви Казахстана совершил воскресную Литургию в Александро-Невском соборе Алма-Аты
Старейший храм Астаны посетил председатель комитета Государственной Думы Российской Федерации по туризму С.А. Тарбаев

October 9, 2024. Astana. The oldest temple in the Kazakh capital - the Cathedral of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother Queen Helena - was visited by the Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Duma Tourism Federation and Development of Tourism Infrastructure Sangadzhi Andreevich Tarbaev.

The guest was met by the Dean of the parishes of Astana Archimandrite Sergiy (Karamyshev) and the assistant to the dean, Priest Sergiy Dianov.

The Chairman of the Tourism Committee was accompanied by the head of the Russian House in Astana Sergey Aleksandrovich Kaymashnikov.

Archimandrite Sergiy gave a tour to S.A. Tarbaev in the temple, noting that this year the cathedral celebrated the 170th anniversary of its foundation. The guest was shown the temple's relics, including the miraculous Tselinograd-Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God and the image of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsars Constantine and Helena with particles of their relics.

The dean showed the Russian parliamentarian the newly built spiritual and cultural center, told him about the life of the parish, the activities of the Sunday school for children and teenagers and social work.

Archimandrite Sergius conveyed good wishes to the guest from Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan and presented him with a new book by the Head of the Metropolitan District, "The History of Christianity in Central Asia," as a keepsake.