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The Pavlodar diocese prayerfully celebrated the patronal feast of the Peter and Paul Convent

July 12, 2024. The village of Pavlodarskoe. On the day of remembrance of the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul, spiritual celebrations took place on the occasion of the patronal feast of the convent of the same name.

The service took place in the newly built Peter and Paul Church. The new temple was erected on the site of the old monastery building, which was destroyed by fire in April 2021.

The festive Divine Liturgy was led by Archbishop of Pavlodar and Ekibastuz Varnava.

His Eminence was served by the secretary of the Pavlodar diocese, Archpriest Alexy Stepanov, the monastery cleric, Priest Alexander Malygin and Deacon Ambrosy Taukenov.

During the service the following people prayed: the abbess of the monastery, nun Seraphima, with the sisters of the monastery, parishioners and pilgrims.

The sermon on the sacramental verse was delivered by Priest Alexander Malygin.

At the end of the service, glorification of the supreme apostles took place, after which the believers walked in a religious procession around the temple.

Many years were proclaimed to the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill; To the head, archpastors, clergy and flock of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District; To the President, authorities, military and all the people of Kazakhstan.

Bishop Varnava congratulated the clergy and parishioners on the patronal feast of the monastery and a significant event in the spiritual life of the village of Pavlodarskoye - the first bishop's Liturgy in the newly built Peter and Paul Church.