В праздник Собора Небесных Сил бесплотных Алма-Ата обрела новую святыню – точный список с чудотворной Казанской иконы Пресвятой Богородицы. Торжества в Казанском соборе Южной столицы возглавил митрополит Александр
В день памяти евангелиста Луки митрополит Александр совершил Божественную Литургию в старейшем храме города Усть-Каменогорска
Молебном в Богоявленско-Анастасиином кафедральном соборе завершилось паломничество митрополита Александра в город Кострому
Делегация Астанайской и Алма-Атинской епархии приняла участие в XXXII Международных Рождественских образовательных чтениях
The social department of the Kostanay diocese provides assistance to flood victims

On April 12, 2024, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, the social department of the Kostanay diocese provides assistance to those affected by large-scale floods in the Kostanay region.

The clergy and Orthodox believers are involved in eliminating the consequences of river floods, working with evacuated residents of the region in temporary accommodation, providing them with spiritual, moral and material support.

Social department volunteers pay special attention to purchasing food packages, bottled water, diapers, household chemicals, as well as food for victims and organizing a shelter for pets.

In all churches of the Kostanay diocese, prayers are offered for the health and strengthening of the spiritual and physical strength of people affected by the flood.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, during the floods this year, 1,043 private residential buildings and 298 courtyard areas were flooded in the Aktobe, Kostanay, Atyrau, Akmola, Pavlodar and West Kazakhstan regions. More than 18,945 people were evacuated, including 8,202 children. Transport links with 63 settlements have been disrupted.