Митрополит Астанайский и Казахстанский Александр принимает участие в заседании Священного Синода Русской Православной Церкви
Представители Астанайского благочиния приняли участие в открытии международной выставки «Мяч в искусстве»
Соболезнование митрополита Александра настоятелю Серафимо-Феогностова Аксайского мужского скита игумену Трифону (Печковскому) в связи с кончиной матери
В день памяти преподобного Саввы Освященного митрополит Александр совершил Литургию в алма-атинском храме во имя блаженной Матроны Московской
The Astana Deanery hosted the international conference "Life after abortion"

On September 15, 2024, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, the international conference "Life after abortion" was held in the Nikolsky Church in the village of Malotimofeevka.

The guests of the scientific forum were parishioners of the Astana Deanery churches.

The event was broadcast on the social network "Instagram".

Before the start of the scientific forum, the rector of the church, priest Vladislav Kovalenko, addressed those present. The pastor noted the importance of openly discussing one of the most difficult and painful topics of our time - abortion and its consequences.

Then the speakers reported.

• Certified teacher of the Association of Teachers of Natural Family Planning (Great Britain) Asel Schultz (South Africa) - "Post-abortion syndrome and ways of healing";
• Gynecologist L.S. Rybalko - "Abortion in the Modern World";
• member of the Franciscan monastic order, participant of the international public movement "Prolife", priest of the Roman Catholic Church Pawel Blok (Poland) - "The Path Through Pain: How to Cope with the Loss of a Child";
• psychotherapist, member of the All-Russian Psychotherapeutic League N.V. Agzhigitova - "Restoration of the Emotional State after an Abortion".

After the speeches, the participants of the event discussed the presented reports.

In conclusion of the conference, priest Vladislav Kovalenko emphasized the importance of spiritual, psychological and medical support for those who have faced the consequences of abortion, and calls for a conscious and careful attitude to life, and also thanked all the participants and guests.

The communication of the participants of the scientific forum continued in an informal setting over a coffee break in the refectory of the church.