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Astana hosted a meeting of the President of Kazakhstan K.-Zh.K. Tokaev and Metropolitan of Astana and Kazakhstan Alexander

June 19, 2023. Astana. A meeting was held in Akorda between the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich Tokayev and the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan.

During the meeting, the head of state noted the significant contribution of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan to strengthening state-confessional relations, promoting spiritual values and interreligious dialogue.

The President emphasized that thanks to common efforts, peaceful coexistence of representatives of numerous ethnic groups professing different religions is ensured in the country. In this context, the President drew attention to the importance of maintaining constructive interaction in maintaining the spiritual activities of the Orthodox Church in Kazakhstan, as well as the need to develop social and educational programs. In turn, Metropolitan Alexander expressed support to the country's leadership in strengthening peace and unity for the benefit of the prosperity of Kazakhstan.

During the conversation, Vladyka Metropolitan told K.-Zh.K. Tokayev that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment on the territory of the Republic of a special canonical structure - the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan. “This event, which took place two decades ago, gave a new impetus to the development of various aspects of church life in the expanses of the Great Steppe. The priority direction of the activity of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District has been and remains the strengthening of interaction and cooperation between church institutions, state structures, traditional confessions and public associations for the sake of the well-being of our native land – blessed Kazakhstan,” the archpastor said.

It was noted that Orthodoxy, being the second largest and most important religion in the Republic after Islam of the Hanafi madhhab, contributes to the preservation of the rich historical and cultural heritage of the people of Kazakhstan.

The head of state accepted the invitation of Metropolitan Alexander to visit the Assumption Cathedral, the capital's spiritual, cultural and administrative center of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan named after Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles and the Museum of New Martyrs and Confessors of the 20th century.
The archpastor presented Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich with books published by the Metropolitan District in the Kazakh language - the Gospel of Matthew, the Psalter, the Proverbs of Solomon and a prayer book.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aida Galymovna Balaeva.