Служение епископа Геннадия в праздник Преображения Господня
Митрополит Александр поздравил референта Алма-Атинского епархиального управления З.И. Профатилову с юбилеем со дня рождения
Состоялось ежегодное итоговое епархиальное собрание Карагандинской епархии
В Алма-Ате состоялась пресс-конференция, посвященная прибытию в Казахстан Курской-Коренной иконы Божией Матери «Знамение»
Обращение Главы Православной Церкви Казахстана митрополита Астанайского и Казахстанского Александра по случаю принесения в пределы Казахстана мощей святой блаженной Матроны Московской

Your Eminences and Graces,
honorable fathers, dear brothers and sisters, residents of the land of Kazakhstan!

The current year is marked for all of us by a spiritually significant date - 20 years have passed since the all-Church glorification of the great ascetic and righteous woman of the 20th century - the blessed elder Matrona of Moscow. Today, the name of this humble and meek saint of God is known to millions of people around the world. Books are written and documentaries are made about the numerous miracles that occur through the prayers of the blessed old woman, churches and chapels are erected in her memory, and every day a huge line of pilgrims from different countries forms at the tomb with the relics of Saint Matrona in the Pokrovsky Stavropegic Monastery in Moscow. Today in Kazakhstan, where the blessed old woman is well known and ardently loved, there is a special sacred celebration - with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the honest relics and part of the robe of Saint Matrona are brought from Moscow to the boundaries of the Metropolitan District. Not all of us can leave our daily affairs and concerns and make a difficult pilgrimage abroad, but now, thanks to this event, anyone seeking spiritual help and consolation, in need of healing from illnesses and wishing to be established in the true faith, can come and touch the relics of Blessed Matrona, kiss the shrine and offer sincere prayers for themselves, for their family and friends.

The ark with the relics of the saint of God visits our country during the days of the celebration of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of Christ. If you read the lines of the life of Blessed Matrona, it is easy to see that her entire life was bearing the cross in submissive adherence to the will of God and in courageous endurance of sorrows. She was born blind, extremely limited in her abilities, lost the ability to walk, endured hunger and wanderings. But suffering and illness did not break the spirit of Saint Matrona – she did not give in to despondency and bitterness, did not sin by complaining about God and those around her. From a young age, the words of the Lord became her guide: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24) and her life’s path became a daily and hourly “crucifixion with Christ” (Gal. 2:19). Saint Gregory the Theologian has the following words: “Yesterday I was crucified with Christ, today I am glorified with Him; yesterday I died with Him, today I am alive with Him; yesterday I was buried with Him, today I am resurrected with Him.” The Lord says: “I will glorify those who glorify Me” (1 Samuel 2:30). Blessed Matrona glorified the Creator by fulfilling the commandments, participated in Christ's sufferings with humility and patience (1 Pet. 4:13) and thanks to this she became a great saint of God, a lamp to the world and a source of miracles. According to the words of church hymns, the holy elder "not knowing the light of day, was enlightened by the light of Christ and enriched with the gift of insight and healing", and now there is no country or people where they have not heard of Blessed Matrona and her miraculous help and intercession.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill calls the very fact of the existence of Blessed Matrona of Moscow in godless times a miracle. "For us, this is a sign of God's power and God's presence in human life, in human history," said our Primate. The Lord glorified Saint Matrona during her lifetime. Thousands of people came to her for help, for advice in those years when any mention of God, of faith was persecuted and cruelly punished.

“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them” (1 John 4:16) – this is how the Apostle John the Theologian defines the criterion of true holiness. Blessed Matrona truly lived with love for everyone. Gospel mercy always shone in her words and deeds and irresistibly poured out on everyone around her. “The height of holiness and perfection,” teaches us the Venerable Cassian the Roman, “consists not in performing miracles, but in the purity of love.”

Even though she was exhausted by illnesses, she found the strength to sympathize with others, to bear the infirmities of the infirm (Rom. 15:1). And after her resettlement in the Heavenly abodes, Blessed Matrona did not wish to be separated from people. Before her death, the holy old woman said: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me about your sorrows as if I were alive. I will see you, and hear you, and help you.”

We live in difficult times, when, Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold (Matt. 24:12), and various sorrowful circumstances give rise to anxiety in people’s souls and bind their hearts with despondency. The examples of saints are given to us so that we become stronger. Coming to the holy relics of Blessed Matrona and remembering her life full of sorrows, first of all, let us ask her that through her prayers to God she would grant us spiritual strength, strengthen our faith, help us to walk our life’s path without complaint and fear, with gratitude to God.

Through the prayers of the holy righteous Matrona of Moscow, may the Lord, marvelous in His saints (Psalm 67:36), strengthen all who suffer, heal the sick, restore hope to the despairing, console the grieving, enlighten the lost, reconcile the warring, fill our hearts with love and bless the land of Kazakhstan with peace.

Invoking God's blessing and prayerful intercession of blessed Matrona of Moscow,