День памяти великомученика Георгия Победоносца
На Владимирском приходе станции Чемолган отметили Международный день защиты детей
Карагандинская епархия оказывает поддержку семьям жертв трагедии на шахте Костенко
В субботу по Богоявлении Глава Митрополичьего округа совершил Божественную Литургию в Петропавловском храме Алма-Аты
Patriarchal congratulations to the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, on his name day

His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', congratulated the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, on his name day:

To His Eminence,
His Eminence Alexander,
Metropolitan of Astana and Kazakhstan,
permanent member of the Holy Synod
of the Russian Orthodox Church

Your Eminence!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your name day – the day of remembrance of St. Alexander of Svir, who showed patience and meekness, sincere love and immeasurable abstinence (stichera to the saint).

Through the prayers of your heavenly patron, may the Lord Almighty grant you full strength and peace of mind, strengthening you in your archpastoral work and granting His generous help in walking the paths of salvation.

With love in the Lord,