Насельницам Иверско-Серафимовского женского монастыря Алма-Аты вручены грамоты акима Южной столицы
Состоялась встреча митрополита Астанайского и Казахстанского Александра и Заместителя Председателя Правительства России Д.Н. Чернышенко
Служение епископа Каскеленского Геннадия в день памяти сорока мучеников Севастийских и неделю 2-ю Великого поста
В рамках VIII детско-юношеского фестиваля земли Семиречья состоялась олимпиада на тему «Познание Божьего мира»
The Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan congratulated the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the country N. Taganuly on the holiday of Kurban Ait

June 16, 2024. The head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, congratulated the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the country, the Supreme Mufti of Nauryzbay kazhy Taganuly and all Muslims of the Republic on the holiday of Kurban Ait:

I cordially congratulate you and all Muslims of Kazakhstan on the holiday of Kurban Ait!
The current celebration is the personification of the values of goodness and mercy, awakening in human hearts the desire for moral improvement. Remembering sacred events of the past helps a person to correctly assess what is happening today and look forward to the future with hope and makes it possible to find a common language and mutual understanding with representatives of different ethnic groups and cultures.

The years of Kazakhstan's independence were marked by the development of fruitful interfaith dialogue. Today, Muslims and Christians together respond to the challenges of our time, resist vices and moral decay, testify to eternal moral principles, work to preserve the centuries-old cultural and historical heritage of our people. Good relations between the followers of our religions serve to strengthen unity and harmony in the vastness of the Great Steppe.

I sincerely wish you, dear Mufti Khazret, and all Muslims of the country health, peace, prosperity and success in good deeds for the benefit of the Fatherland!