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Завершился визит митрополита Александра в Уральскую епархию
Bishop Gennady took part in a joint meeting of two commissions of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church

On April 25, 2024, a joint meeting of the Commission on Theology and Theological Education and the Commission on Issues of Public Life, Culture, Science and Information of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church was held remotely.

Bishop Gennady of Kaskelen took part in the work of the plenum.

The main attention at the meeting was paid to the activities of the working group common to the two commissions, created to study the topic “Christian worldview and modern challenges of scientific and technological development. The attitude of the Church to new information technologies (anthropological aspect). Problems associated with the development of artificial intelligence."

The event opened with a speech by the chairman of the commission on issues of public life, culture, science and information, head of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Clement of Kaluga and Borovsk. He spoke about the conferences and seminars that have been held within the framework of the area being developed since the previous joint meeting of the two commissions, noting the interaction between representatives of church and secular science. “It is important to continue working with state and public institutions,” the bishop emphasized.

Then the chairman of the commission on theology and theological education, Metropolitan Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary, addressed the meeting participants. The Bishop noted that it is important to maintain a healthy perception of the new reality, because artificial intelligence can be used for good and evil. According to Metropolitan Hilarion, the main question is: will artificial intelligence be in the service of man or will man be in the service of artificial man?

The chairman of the joint working group, Bishop Feoktist of Pereslavl and Uglich, spoke about the work on a document on the topic under study.

Archpriest Dimitry Yurevich's speech was dedicated to new trends and risks in the development of artificial intelligence systems. Archpriest Kirill Kopeikin presented a report and presentation “Artificial intelligence in the context of the second quantum revolution.” Archpriest Alexander Pelin emphasized the role of theological knowledge in training specialists of various profiles who could contribute to the optimal directions of scientific and technological development for humanity.

Next, there was a discussion of the next stages of work on the document, the preliminary plan of which was previously presented by Bishop Theoktist.

Metropolitan Clement proposed holding round tables during the work on the document, which would help ensure that interaction in this area of activity is constant.